Why young workers are putting in so much overtime

There can be several reasons why young workers are putting in so much overtime. Here are a few possible explanations: ...
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Why millions of usable hard drives are being destroyed.

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, I’m not aware of any widespread destruction of usable hard drives. However, ...
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Government to launch legal bid to stop Covid inquiry seeing Johnson WhatsApp’s

As an AI language model, I don’t have real-time information or access to current news headlines beyond my last training ...
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Introducing Tech Decoded: The latest technology news direct to your inbox

We are excited to announce the launch of Tech Decoded, your go-to source for the latest technology news delivered directly ...
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iPhone in India: Foxconn to manufacture smartphones in Karnataka by April 2024

The Indian smartphone market has witnessed tremendous growth over the past decade, and now it’s set to become even more ...
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