Out-of-Control Bushfires: ‘Act Immediately to Survive’thedigitalchaps


Residents of Serpentine, North Dandalup, and Myara have been warned to ‘act immediately to survive.’

Out-of-control bushfires continue to put lives and homes at risk as fire rages in bushland south-east of Perth.

Residents of Serpentine, North Dandalup, and Myara have been warned to “act immediately to survive.”

If the way is clear they are being advised to leave now for a safer place. If they cannot leave, they should get ready to shelter in their homes.

Overnight, Bodhinyana Buddhist Monastery and Karnet Prison Farm were at risk from the Serpentine blaze which started during lightning storms near the Serpentine Dam, about 55km south-southeast of Perth.

But the Department of Justice says Karnet Prison Farm is no longer under threat.

“The prison farm was not evacuated during the emergency. Dayshift staff were able to safely leave the facility by road before midnight under DFES (Department of Fire and Emergency Services) escort,” the department said in a statement.

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“During the fire threat staff patrolled the property’s fence line and took preventative actions.”

Emergency WA says unpredictable conditions on fire grounds across the state mean there is a risk to lives and homes.

The Serpentine fire was again upgraded to an Emergency alert on Sunday, after burning through 970 hectares of land.

The Western Australian government has called in a C-130 Hercules Water Bomber from New South Wales, which is due to arrive on Sunday to help control multiple fire fronts.

A Bushfire Emergency Warning in place for parts of North Dandalup, Myara, and Whittaker in the Shire of Murray where 80 hectares have been burnt, has now been downgraded to Watch and Act.

More than 50 firefighters from the Bush Fire Service, Parks and Wildlife Service, and Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service have been working to bring that fire, also started by lightening, under control.

Numerous watch and act warnings and advice warnings are in place across WA.

Evacuation centres have been set up at Murray Aquatic Centre and Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Recreation Centre.

An evacuation at Mandurah Aquatic and Recreation Centre has since been closed.

Temperatures in Perth peaked at 35C (95F) on Saturday and are predicted to reach 27C on Sunday.


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